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Apartheid timeline | Sutori

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Apartheid timeline

1948 - April 27. 1994

May 1948

map of South Africa around the Apartheid time.

Apartheid started after the general election.

a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.

June 1952

Volunteers begin a peaceful resistance to apartheid by breaking the laws they think are wrong.


The Bantu Education Act is passed, the law is passed that creates a separate education system for blacks and whites.

December 1956

United nations photo

Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist, is arrested with several other people for fighting against apartheid. Mandela is charged with treason, but after a four-year trial he was found not guilty.


The government passes new laws to create separate homelands, called Bantustans, for the major black groups in the country. The government does this to stop blacks from being citizens of South Africa.

March 21, 1960

Apartheid requires blacks to carry passbooks, which contain personal information such as name, date of birth, and photos. When protesters show up at the Sharpeville police station without their passbooks, a riot breaks out and police killed 69 people.

United nations photo

August 5, 1962

Mandela was the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, part of the African National Congress. He was arrested for his role in bombing government targets and sentenced to life in prison.