- After the general election the National Party defeats the United Party and the Apartheid began. There were laws put in place just to discriminate against blacks.
Apartheid Timeline
"Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Arica from 1948 until the early 1990s".
1948 - Beginning of Apartheid.

1953 - The Bantu Education Act is passed.
- This law was passed to separate the black African students and the white African students. Black Africans were taught skills that applied to factory jobs.

1960 -Sharpeville Massacre.
- During this time blacks are required to carry around passbooks that contained their personal information. When protestors showed up at the police station without their passbooks, a riot breaks out and the police kills 69 people.

1962 - Nelson Mandela arrested for treason.
- Mandela was the leader of "Umkhonto we sizwe" (part of the ANC). His actions in the bombings caused him to get sentenced to life in prison.

1974 - South Africa expelled from the United Nations.
- In result of the apartheid, South Africa is removed from the United Nations. South Africa isn't allowed back until the apartheid is over.