Domestic Events:
- Zimmermann Telegram
- Wilson's 14-Point Speech
- Selective Service Act
- Race Riots
European Events:
- Lusitania and Sussex Sinking
- Treaty of Versailles
- Battle of the Argonne Forest
- Influenza 1918-1919
- Battle of Chateau
By Kayla Yankauskas and Gianna Plavier
Domestic Events:
- Zimmermann Telegram
- Wilson's 14-Point Speech
- Selective Service Act
- Race Riots
European Events:
- Lusitania and Sussex Sinking
- Treaty of Versailles
- Battle of the Argonne Forest
- Influenza 1918-1919
- Battle of Chateau
Title- Lusitania Sinking and Sussex Sinking
Date- May 7, 1915
Explanation- An innocent British ship that was holding American citizens was sunken in neutral water by German U boats because there was supposed supplies aboard the ship. Later, it has been confirmed that there were supplies; however many people died, so the Germans experienced hate from the Allied Powers.
What nations were involved?- Britain, Germany, United States
Why is it important to include?- It caused the Sussex pledge to be put in place. The Sussex pledge was enacted to prohibit Germany from using U-Boats in open seas against passenger lines. Also, it brought prejudice against Germany because they killed innocent American and British people.
This is Lusitania before sinking.
Photograph of the Zimmermann Telegram.
Title- Zimmermann Telegram
Date- March 1, 1917
Explanation-A German telegram was intercepted by the United States. The telegram was created to ask Mexico to form an alliance with Germany and attack the United States in order to retrieve land that was lost in the Mexican-American War, which included Texas, New Mexico, and California.
What nations were involved?- Germany, United States, and Mexico
Why is it important to include?- The Zimmermann telegram was important because it showed that Germany had hostilities against America, giving America a stronger desire to enter the war.
Title- Selective Service Act
Date- May 18, 1917 (signed)
Explanation- The Selective Service Act created a law in which all men from ages 21 and 30 were required to sign up for the draft, and refusal to do so would lead to arrest.
What nations were involved?- United States
Why is it important to include?- The Selective Service Act relates to the army and that loads of men needed to be drafted to the war, showing a surplus in numbers of people who fought against Germany.
This is a political cartoon encouraging young men to enlist in the war.
Title- Wilson's 14-Point Speech
Date- January 8, 1918
Explanation- In this speech, Wilson stated 14 points in order to achieve world peace. These are what he based his idea for the League of Nations off of. Some points include “Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas” and “The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers”.
What nations were involved?- United States, but talks of European lands were mentioned.
Why is it important to include?- These points were used for the Treaty of Versailles, also, a League of Nations was eventually put in place from the inspiration of these points.
This is a photograph of President Wilson giving his speech.
These are men on their way to the Battle of Chateau.
Title- Battle of Chateau
Date- July 18-22, 1918
Explanation- The Battle of Chateau was one of the first battles that the Americans were extremely belligerent in because of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF). It was fought in Chateau-Thierry, France. It ended in a victory for the Allied Powers.
What nations were involved?- France, United States, Belgium, Germany
Why is it important to include?- It was considered a turning point of the war because it proved the United States’ strength and endurance in war, and that they had the capacity to help the Allied Powers to success.
This is a photograph of men fighting in the battle.
Title- Battle of the Argonne Forest
Date- Sep 26, 1918 – Nov 11, 1918
Explanation- The Battle of Argonne Forest was part of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and was one of the last battles of World War 1, as it was a victory for the Allied Powers. It is known as one of the most deadly battles for Americans because 26,277 were killed and 95,786 wounded, whilst the German army was excelling, as they were experienced with the terrain, since they spent the four years prior fortifying it.
What nations were involved?- France, United States, Germany
Why is it important to include?- The Battle of Argonne Forest is important because it is one of the deadliest battles in American history and was a huge victory for the Allied Powers during World War 1, which led to ultimate victory of the war. The Battle of Argonne Forest is also the origin of what we now know as Armistice Day.