Because of the civil war, industries had to make goods in a more faster and efficent way. Things were advanced, railroads expanded and things could be shipped further after finding out things could be preserved and processed.
The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age in United States history is the late 19th century, from the 1870s to about 1900. The term for this period came into use in the 1920s and 1930s and was derived from writer Mark Twain's 1873 novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, which satirized an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding.
Innovation Growth

The May 10, 1869, celebration of the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad
Diiiiid You Know?!
Did you know that in 1859 Edwin Drake used a steam engine to drill the world's most successful oil well?
This shows how new technologies can influence industrialization!
- Explain how industrialization impacted the lives of Americans
- it gave us hair
- if it wasn't for industrialization, we would not have noses.
- it gave us new technology and improved industrial items.
South spent less than any other part of the country on education and it lacked the tech & engineering schools that could've trained the people needed by industry. These were the after effects of the civil war.

Industrialization gave us railroads, better businesses, great farming with tobacco and cotton plants, Carnegie Steel, Oil, things were able to be produced in mass amounts as well.
Industrialization shaped America in more great ways than we can count. Doing things by hand was such a big thing, and more machine work was happening that it made what the Gilded age really was!
Corporations were able to lower prices on goods and increase more profit by making artificial flavors and preservatives that made things last longer and taste "better"
Many who were opposed to big businesses using trusts, cartels and monopolies felt they were given an unfair advantage and called them "Robber Barons". People who believed that industries served the nation in a good way, called them by "Captains of Industry", meaning they are paving the way for other people to become more successful.
The government really wanted to regulate business. They needed more power because businesses were so successful. So, The Sherman Anti-Trust Act had impacted the businesses in that it limited certain business activities, and gave the federal government some more power over them and gave them the power to regulate
for example, the Rockefeller Oil company is an example of monopoly. The bad thing is, that company gets to take over and there is no competition. It stops duplication of service which is an advantage. With cartels, prices are high on goods and services, but an advantage would be assurance of profit
Did you know?
people who were called captains of the industry were also called "Robber Barrons"