- Western Europe- They were emerging from isolation. At the time they were beginning to gain more strength.
- China- Had a strong central government, and were ruled by Tang and Song dynasties. They were advancing in technology, inventing paper, printing and gunpowder.
- Byzantine Empire: Was generally prosperous and united, the scholars studied ancient Greek and Roman writing.
The Crusades and Reconquista
The Crusades stimulated economic and political change in Europe and broadened Europeans view of the world.
The world in 1050

Isolation is when you are away from people and only know what on your land.
Pros- You have everything you need right there and don't need to leave your land
Cons- You don't know what is outside of the land you are in and don't know that there is a world outside of the land.

- Globalization is when the process by businesses or other organizations that start shipping goods internationally or start operating on an international scale.
- Pros- People can get goods from other countries that can get it shipped across the world, and they don't have to drive all around to receive it
- Cons- Some of the things that can be shipped can be dangerous and affect the world. It can cost more money and people can rip you off.
I would want isolation to globalization because when you go from knowing nothing and seeing nothing outside of your land. Then you can go to knowing a lot and then seeing the world around and experiencing different.
What events led to Europe’s extreme isolation by 1050?
The church and feudalism forced Europe to isolated from the world around.
The Crusades

This is a map of all four of the crusade maps and their passage ways throughout Western Europe. The colors on the map explain the different lands that the Christians, Muslims and Crusades toke over.

Did you know?
The Byzantine Emperor Alexius I urgently asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help him fight Turks. Roman popes and Byzantine emperors were longtime rivals Urban agreed. This is what caused the crusades!
The Holy Land is an area where the crusades were trying to get to, and everyone wanted it as there own so there was always fighting going.

When the Crusades were over, who controlled the Holy Land?
- Muslim Turks
- Western Europeans
- Ferdinand and Isabella

The Children's Crusade is the name given by European Christians to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims, said to have taken place in 1212. The children left areas of Northern France, led by leaders.

Are these 3 reasons that motivated people to go and fight in the Crusades.
1.) They would become wealthier
2.)Promised to go straight to heaven
3.) That they could gain more land and rule over it
- True
- False
- Why was the 4th Crusade such a turning point?
It was such a turning point because there was so many capturing and stealing. They took over many lands and defeated many people.After the war their was so many leaders and everything was a mess.
Playing hockey:
If everyone plays hockey they will become very wealthy, you will be so popular and have so many fans even if you aren't good. Everyone is promised to make a amazing team and get the equal amount of help. It will so much fun and you will always have a blast with all of your friends. You are guaranteed to be in the best shape of your life so everyone should play hockey and sign up now.
Effects of the Crusades

- After the Crusades they increased trade and introduced fabrics, spices, and perfumes perfumes. They built large fleets to carry crusades to the Holy Land.
European monarchs/kings
- Rulers won the rights to levy, and or collect taxes in order to support the crusades.
The Church
- Enthusiasm for the crusades brought papal power to its greatest height, but it was short lived.Popes were soon involved in bitter clashes with feudal monarchs
European worldview
- Contacts with Muslim world led Christians to realize that millions of people lived in regions that had never known existed. Marco Polo came back to Venice and told stories but nobody believed him and called him the “prince of lies”.
Argue that although the Christian Crusaders lost on the battlefield, the Crusades were worth fighting.
Even though the Christian Crusades lost in the battlefield, it was worth fighting for. Going into the battle they really didn't know what was going to happen, they could have won and or lost. They need to take the chance and take a risk to see if the are going to succeed or they are not ready to fight yet. They could have practiced before the went out to battlefield but they toke a good risk and went out.
The Reconquista

Did you know?
The Reconquista was when small Christian towns expanded they toke over Muslim lands and their campaign to drive the Muslims from Spain is known as the Reconquista.