1235: The empire of Mali begins. An empire called Songhai grows as well.
The beginning and end of Songhai.
1235: The empire of Mali begins. An empire called Songhai grows as well.
1300: Songhai becomes rich and powerful.
1400: Songhai begins to attack Mali.
1464: Sunni Ali becomes ruler of Songhai. He brought peace and stability to Songhai.
1492: Sunni Ali died. Years earlier his son, Sunni Baru, took over. He was later overthrown by the leader of the rebellion, Askia the Great.
1443- 1538: Askia the Great became ruler at the age of 50 and ruled for 35 years. He died in the capital. His tomb is one of the most honored places in West Africa.
1500: Mali falls. Songhai is weakened by invaders. Only a small part of Songhai remained.
1590: Songhai falls to Moroccan invaders.