1300's- The people of Songhai rose up against mali and regained their their own rules and freedom.
By Janelle Galvez and Blake Johnson
1300's- The people of Songhai rose up against mali and regained their their own rules and freedom.
1350's- The Berbers were willing to trade with the Songhai, who began to grow richer.
1492- A while after Sunni Ali had died the ruling was supposed to pass on to his son, a non muslim. Untrusted Askia the great took over.
1492- A rebellion was created with the leader of Muhammad Ture taking the name of Askia the great. They decided to start the rebellion because when Sunni Ali died Sunni Baru who was not Muslim took control. They were worried if he did not support Islam, they would lose power in the empire. With that the trade with other Muslim land will languish. ( Picture is Askia the Great)
1500s - Askia worked to support education. Timbuktu later had universities, schools, libraries, and mosques. Maintaining order, Timbuktu flourished in education. (Picture is the University of Sankore.)
1500s-Askia the great also made Timbuktu and Djenne the centers of learning and trading. Merchants from distant lands would come to the cities. This gained growth in the islamic influence. Many laws were the same to Muslim laws.
1500s - To maintain order he set up the five provinces of within Songhai. This made Askia the Great one of the few that had brought more Muslim influence to the government.
1585- mali falls and Songhai starts getting invaded by Moroccan. This was the Battle of Tondibi.
The guns and cannons that the Morrocans brought were too strong to hold back with swords and spears. WIthout good defense the Songhai had been invaded and fallen.