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Robert de La Salle | Sutori

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Robert de La Salle

Robert de La Salle was a famous French explorer. He was born on November 22nd, 1643, in Rouen,France. And died on March 19,1687.

La Salle owened four ships La Belle, Le Griffion. One ship was stolen by pirates and another ship sunk.

Le Griffon

La Salle went exploring with, Henri de Tonti ,Michel Aco, and Fatther Hennepi.

La Salle travelled in three different routes. Red=1670 Green= between 1679 and 1682 Purple= between 1684 and1687.

Mississippi River

La Salle wanted to go exploring because he wanted to go find the New Empire.

All La Salle wanted to do was travel most! La Salle decided to sail to New France, where his cousins have been living for 10 years.