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Pericles | Sutori

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Pericles was a Greek statesman and a general during the Golden age of Athens. He has a big role in Direct Democracy and wanted the equality of justice and opportunity.

"Influencer's Life"

Pericles father, Xanthippus was a famous general and statesman who came from a wealthy family of aristocrats. Pericles mother, Agariste, was niece to the famed statesman and reformer Cleisthenes, who lead the controversial Alcmaeonidae clan.

Pericles was born in c. 495 BC in Athens, Greece and died in 429 BC in Athens,Greece around the age of 65-66. He grew up in the Ancient Greek state of Athens. One of his goals was to strengthen Athens Democracy and to hold and strengthen the empire.

Did you know ?

Pericles had ahead that was slightly out of proportion or, his head was bigger than normal.

Pericles ideas about the EQ, What are the rights and responsibilities of the rulers and the ruled?

Major Ideas

Pericles Major ideas was to create a strong democracy, hold and strengthen Athens, and glorify Athens.

To strengthen the Direct democracy and give the equality of justice and opportunity.

Let the people decide for what they want by voting!

The Temples

Other Ideas

He wanted to establish Athens as leader of the Greek world and wanted to build an acropolis that represented the city's glory. He rebuilt many temples on the acropolis that were destroyed by the Persians.

by Don Daskalo (

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Did you know?

Pericles died of a Plague that was going around in athens.


how many kids did Pericles have

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Pericles Quote

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved on stone moments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”

The "Influencer's" response to the 21st-century issue

What would the influencer think about Jamal Khashoggi's murder? Would they agree that a person could/should have absolute power to the point where they could have someone killed in another country with no real consequences?

Would they agree and sign their name to the open letter to UN Sec. General Antonio Guterres?

Finish off with some personal thoughts.

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