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Nicole Bedwell: Exploring Gender Stereotypes... | Sutori

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Nicole Bedwell: Exploring Gender Stereotypes through magazine covers

Media Stereotype Images

Gender Sterotype Discussion

I would define gender sterotyping as putting men or women into a group and giving them certain roles or charactersitics that you feel fit them specifically. Its a generalized preconception about a certain gender type. In a lot of situtatoins gender stereotypes can be very hurtful because it can put a limit men's and women's capabilites.

The first evident gender sterotype in the magizine covers is the type of bodies men and women are sterotyped to have. If you check out most of the mens magazines you will see titles like "Super Hero Body" and "The Big Muscle Issue". These titles show that men should be big and muscular. If you look at the womens magazines you will see titles all about becoming lean and thin like, "Lean Body Secrets" and "Drop One Size." This is considered a stereotype because men shouldn't be stereotyped to just be buff and women shouldn't be stertyped to be lean and skinny.

The second gender sterotype showing in my magazine covers is women being sterotyped as sexual objects and men being arrogant. This shows through the womens pictures on most of my magazine covers. The women show lots of skin and tight clothing. The men mostly showing off their muscles. This example also shows through the women and mens clothing choices. The men mostly wearing jeans and t-shirts. The women wearing clothes that show lots of skin: dress, skirts, and swimwear.

The last gender sterotype seen in these magazine covers is one that is not often pointed out but very obvious. That is women being stereotyped to always smile. Men view smiling as weak and vulnerable. This shows in most of my magazine covers. Women are smiling at the camera while men are trying to be serious with their facial expressions.  

Stereotype Threat Discussion

A stereotype threat is when there is a negative sterotype about a person or a group of people. It is the understanding that someone/people may be worried that  other individuals are judging the stereotype that they are in. It is also something that people feel when they think their actions are conforming to a certain type of sterotype.

A sterotype threat found in both womens and mens magazines is being phsyically strong for men and very skinny and lean for women. This is a stereotype threat because women are perceived to be skinny and lean. While on the other hand men are perceived to be built very strong and bulky. The womens magazines are all about dropping a size, staying lean, and having a flat belly. However when you look at the mens magazines you see words 8-pack, super-hero body, and greay abs made easy. This is all just going into show that women are not suppose to be strong and have huge muscles. While men shouldn't be trying to stay lean and have flat bellies.

When women or men look at these magazines they may feel a stertype threat. A women might be more nervous when going to the gym and lifting weights because by the looks of the magazines she should stay skinny. A man might not want to keep running on the treadmeal because he doesn't want to be too lean. It is completely possible that both genders can feel a sterotrype threat through these magazines.



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