Henry Moseley was born 1887 in Weymouth, England, on November 23, 1887
Henry Moseley

Henry Moseley was an outstandingly skilled experimental physicist. In 1913 he used self built equipment to prove that every elements identity is uniquely determined by the number of protons it has. His discovery enabled him to predict confidently the existence of four new chemical elements, all of which were found.

Henry Moseley went to Trinity college, University of Oxford His parents were both from well-educated families. His father, who was also named Henry, was a professor of anatomy and physiology. His mother, Amabel, was the daughter of a barrister who had changed careers to become a Mollusc biologist.

Henry Moseley studied Physics and chemical elements
Henry Moseley worked with radioactive chemical elements and after he became famous he went beyond experiments others had thought and came up with his own particular twist.
Henry Moseley was educated in a private school and elementry school and he won a scholarship for Eton college.Already a high achiever, he was admitted in 1906 to the University of Oxford’s Trinity College, where he studied physics. There he disappointed himself. He was suffering badly from hayfever when he sat his final exams. He got a second class honors degree in physics.

Henry studied the atomic number of each element using X-rays which lead to more accurate organization of the periodic tables
Henry studied under Rutherford and brilliantly developed the application of x-ray spectral to study atomic structure.