Wenger's list of publications clearly demonstrates the academic development of his theories and interests. Interspersed between his seminal works are publications where he has worked with others applying the concepts that he is developing.
Hall, R.,Kibler, D., Wenger, E. and Truxaw, C. (1989) 'Exploring the episodic structureof algebra story problem solving', Cognitionand Instruction, 6(3), pp. 223-283.
Wenger, E.(1990) 'Toward a theory of cultural transparency', Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Irvine.
Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991) Situated Learning:Legitimate Peripheral Participation Cambridge University Press
Eckert, P. and Wenger, E. (1994) 'From school to work: an apprenticeship in institutional identity', Institute for Research on Learning.
Wenger, E.(1998) Communities of Practice: Learning Meaning and Identity Cambridge University Press
Greeno, J. G.,Eckert, P., Stucky, S. U., Sachs, P. and Wenger, E. (1999) 'Learning in and for participation in work and society', Washington,DC: US Department of Education.
Wenger, E.(2000) 'Communities of practice and social learning systems', Organization, 7(2), pp. 225-246.
Wenger, E. C. and Snyder, W. M. (2000) 'Communities of practice: Theorganizational frontier', Harvardbusiness review, 78(1), pp. 139-146.
Wenger, E.(2001) 'Supporting communities of practice', A survey of community-oriented technologies.
Wenger, E.,Snyder, W. M., Pfeffer, J., Sutton, R. I., Brown, J. S. and Duguid, P. (2001) Harvard business review on organizationallearning. Harvard Business School Press.
Wenger, E.,McDermott, R. and Snyder, W. M. (2002a) 'Seven principles for cultivating communitiesof practice', Cultivating Communities ofPractice: a guide to managing knowledge, 4.
Wenger, E.,McDermott, R. A. and Snyder, W. (2002b) Cultivatingcommunities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Harvard BusinessPress.
Snyder, W. M.and Wenger, E. (2003) 'Communities of practice in government: the case forsponsorship', Report to the CIO Councilof the US Federal Government. Ubicado el, 30(12), pp. 2004.
Wenger, E.(2004) 'Learning for a small planet', A research agenda.
Eckert, P. and Wenger, E. (2005) 'Communities of practice in sociolinguistics', Journal of Sociolinguistics, 9(4), pp.582-589.
Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (2005) 'Practice, person, social world', An introduction to Vygotsky, 2, pp. 149-156.
Wenger, E.,Hall, K., Murphy, P. and Soler, J. (2008) 'Identity in practice', Pedagogy and practice: Culture and identities, pp. 105-114.
de Laat, M., Lally,V., Simons, R.-J Wenger, E.. (2006) 'A selective analysis of empirical findings in networked learning research in higher education: Questing for coherence', Educational Research Review,1(2), pp. 99-111.
Wenger, E.,White, N. and Smith, J. D. (2009) Digital habitats: Stewarding technology for communities. CP square.
Wenger, E.(2009a) Communities of practice in health and social care. John Wiley & Sons.
Wenger, E.(2009b) 'A social theory of learning', Contemporary theories of learning, pp. 209-218.
Wenger, E.,White, N. and Smith, J. (2010) 'Learning in communities', Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Springer, pp. 257-283.
Wenger, E.(2010a) 'Communities of practice and social learning systems: the career of aconcept', Social learning systems and communities of practice: Springer, pp.179-198.
Wenger, E.(2010b) 'Conceptual tools for CoPs as social learning systems: boundaries,identity, trajectories and participation', Social learning systems andcommunities of practice: Springer, pp. 125-143.
Wenger, E.(2011) 'Social learning capacity', Re-Shaping Learning: A Critical Reader:Springer, pp. 193-210.
Wenger, E.,Trayner, B. and de Laat, M. (2011a) 'Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: A conceptual framework',
McLachlan, E.,King, N., Wenger, E. and Dornan, T. (2012) 'Phenomenological analysis of patient experiences of medical student teaching encounters', Medical education, 46(10), pp. 963-973.
Hart, A.,Davies, C., Aumann, K., Wenger, E., Aranda, K., Heaver, B. and Wolff, D. (2013)'Mobilising knowledge in community− university partnerships: What does a community of practice approach contribute?', Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), pp. 278-291.
Wenger-Trayner, E.(2013) 'The practice of theory: confessions of a social learning theorist', in Farnsworth, V. & Solomon, Y. (eds.) Reframing educational research: resisting the'what works' agenda: Routledge.
Huysman, M.,Wenger, E. and Wulf, V. (2013) Communities and technologies. Springer Science & Business Media.
Steven, K.,Wenger, E., Boshuizen, H., Scherpbier, A. and Dornan, T. (2014) 'How clerkship students learn from real patients in practice settings', Academic Medicine, 89(3), pp. 469-476.
Wenger-Trayner,E., Fenton-O'Creevy, M., Hutchinson, S., Kubiak, C. and Wenger-Trayner, B.(2014) Learning in landscapes ofpractice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning.Routledge.
Wenger, E.(2014) Artificial intelligence andtutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann.
Wenger-Trayner,E. and Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015) 'Learning in a landscape of practice', Learning in landscapes of practice.Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning, pp.13-30.