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Civil War Timeline | Sutori

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Civil War Timeline

Timeline below addresses significant events leading up to the Civil War as well as during the Civil War

Raahi Patel and Teddy Nguyen

Period 6


Image above portrays a soldier of the Mexican-American war standing beside a cannon while holding a gun.

Mexican-American War: April 25th, 1846 -- February 2nd, 1848

  • Armed conflict between Mexico + America where U.S. received Mexican cession including California, Nevada, Utah, parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming
  • Issues of slavery rose when territory was gained
  • Involved: New states, Mexico, America
  • Fought between 1846-1848 in U.S. + Mexico

This cartoon depicts the war efforts by America in the Mexican-American War.

Wilmot Proviso: August 8th, 1846

  • Proposed American law to ban slavery in territory acquired from Mexico in Mexican war
  • Major event leading to civil war
  • Key Player: David Wilmot
  • Introduced on August 8th, 1846 in the House of Representatives

California Gold Rush and CA Statehood: 1848-1849

  • Gold rush led to a tremendous increase in CA's population
  • Sought statehood
  • The state entered the union as free
  • Southerners support slavery, which leads to a more distinct divide in sides
  • Involved: Californians, U.S. Congress, Southerners
  • Location: California

The image above represents some of the many Americans who traveled westward in search of gold after hearing about the California Gold Rush.

Compromise of 1850: 1850

  • South gained by strengthening fugitive law
  • North gained a free state (California)
  • Texas lost territory, compensated with 10 million for debt
  • Slave trade prohibited in D.C.
  • Fugitive slave act strengthened
  • Compelled Northerners to sign and return slaves to South
  • Involved: North vs. South, slaves
  • Passed in 1850

A group of delegates and leaders of America are all debating about legislative changes regarding slavery as an institution.

Uncle Tom's Cabin: 1852

  • (Life Among the Lowly)
  • Anti-slavery novel helped lay groundwork for Civil War
  • Hamlet Beecher Stowe
  • Published in 1852

Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book written by Hamlet Beecher Stowe, an abolitionist who exposed the truth about slavery to the American public. This helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War.

Formation of Republican Party: March 20th, 1854

  • Began as a coalition of anti-slavery conscience whigs and Free soil Democrats opposed to Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • KP: Whigs, Democrats

Kansas-Nebraska Act: May 30th, 1854

  • Fueled Civil War, applied popular sovereignty, drove North and South apart regarding slavery
  • Repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and prohibited slavery North of the 36 30 parallel
  • KP: U.S. Congress, North, South, slaves
  • Passed on May 30th, 1854

Pottawatomic Massacre: May 24th, 1856 -- May 25th, 1856

  • Murdering of 5 men from pro-slavery settlement, slavery issue
  • Antislavery party by abolitionist John Brown
  • Killings from May 4th, 1856 -- May 25th, 1856 in Franklin County, Kansas

Brooks - Sumner Congress Incident (Bleeding Sumner): May 27th, 1856

  • Preston Brooks (Rep.) attacked Charles Sumner -> criticized slaveholders -> considered symbolic of "Breakdown of reasoned discourse"
  • Led to civil war
  • KP: Preston Brooks, Charles Sumner
  • Occurred May 22nd, 1856 in U.S. Senate

Dred Scott Supreme Court decision: March 6th , 1857

  • Slave (Dred Scott) lived in a free state -> not entitled to his freedom
  • African Americans could never be U.S. Citizens -> Missouri Compromise
  • Was unconstitutional; decision added fuel to controversy and led to civil war
  • KP: Dred Scott, Supreme Court
  • Decision on March 6th, 1857 in the Supreme Court

John Brown's Rala (Harper's Ferry): October 16th -- October 18th, 1859

  • Effort by armed abolitionist Brown to initiate armed slave revolt by taking over a U.S. arsenal in Harper's Ferry -> destroy institution of slavery
  • KP: John Brown + Slaves
  • Occurred during October 16th - 18th, 1859 in Harper's Ferry, VA

Lincoln becomes President: November 6th, 1860

  • Lincoln elected President of U.S, 1st President from Republican Party, beat Douglas, Breckinridge, and Bell
  • KP: Lincoln, Douglas, Breckinridge, Bell

South Carolina secedes from the Union: December 20th, 1860

  • 1st slave state to secede from the U.S. (SC)
  • Source of troops for confederate army
  • Threatened by Lincoln Presidential election
  • KP: South Carolina, Lincoln, Union, Confederate
  • Seceded on December 20th, 1860

Trent Affair: 1861

  • Union admiral removing 2 Confederate diplomats off a British ship -> threatened war -> ended w/o incident created diplomatic units for Lincoln
  • KP: British, U.S., Lincoln
  • Affair on 1861

Virginia Secedes from the Union: April 4th, 1861

  • Virginia seceding from the Union leads to Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina seceding from the Union, further dividing the two sides
  • KP: VA, Union,Confederate