The Berlin wall gives people the chance to express themsleves in a creative way. When I go to the wall I go with my friends ir family and enjoy my time there, sometimes i even get the chance to learn a thing or two.
Bio: Hey it's your girl Merlin, 17 still in school, strong nationalist for my West Berliners!! Enjoy me tweets! #berlinwall #retweet #lol
The Berlin wall gives people the chance to express themsleves in a creative way. When I go to the wall I go with my friends ir family and enjoy my time there, sometimes i even get the chance to learn a thing or two.
Having the wall was definetly a very good thing, but this is only because I am from the west side. Since it was known as a center of education, research, and culture. It also had graffiti in bright colors, but sadly people who where forced to stay on the East, didn't have those same advantages as us.
At this time i decided to keep the wall how it was and kind of just see how much people changed it. Although it was very sad seeing how many people wished they could cross to the other side. I thought the wall was great because of the pretty graffiti and colors and how nice everything was where I lived, but what wasn't great was the fact that the wall was actually dividing people. Not only that but just because there was something nice going on one side on the other there was a very hard and sad time going on for the East Berliners which made me feel bad.
The wall came down because of the Cold War. It took down the big divider of something so pretty yet also very depressing. Now that it was put down people celebrated and everyone migrated to the west side.
My life changed because new people now came and the joy spread briefly. I remained and as did most. The biggest change was that now Belin was not divded and we were all united into one.