map of nile river valley- highlighted in green
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of Northeastern Africa, placed along the lower ends of the Nile River in the place that is now, Egypt.
map of nile river valley- highlighted in green
How were people able to transport both North and South on the Nile River?
The wind blows south of the Nile River from the Mediterranean Sea. This allowed early egyptians to travel south aganist the Nile's current by putting sails on their boats. They were also able to travel north by letting they current take them wherever they needed to go. As a result, egyptians were able to not only able to travel locally, but able to travel troughout southeast Africa.
Why did people in Ancient Egypt live along the banks of the Nile despite flooding?
People lived along the Nile because their was good farmland due to the heavy rainfall which creates great soil to plant crops.
What does the phrase "gift of the Nile" refer to?
The phrase "gift of the Nile" refers to how the Nile created civilization in Egypt, provided transportation to people, and food for them to eat.
How did the Nile River Valley impact life in ancient Egypt?
The Nile River became very important in life in Ancient Egypt. It was ideal for agriculture especially for crops and plants such as wheat, barley and papyrus plants. Floods that occur on a regular day basis, would deposit silt and replenish the soil. Not only did the valley provide them with natural resources, but it provided the ancient egyptians places to live.
The Nile River is the longest river in the world.
What is the significance of Ra, Osiris, and Isis?
Ancient egyptians practiced mythology and worshiped many different gods and godesses. Ra, Osiris, and Isis were relevant relgious figures that they worshiped. Ra is the god of suns, pharoahs, amd holds the most power. Osiris is the Lord of the underworld and a god that has other gods work for him. He was the Pharaoh of the gods after Ra left. Although she was born in a dark atmosphere, Isis is the goddesses of health, marriage , and wisdom.
Some of the most relevant religious figures that the Egyptians worshiped.
Isis’ sister Nephthys wore even more intense headgear, which included a house and a basket.
What is the cultural significance of these pyramids?
The pyramids were engineering marvels, built with great accuracy using simple tools and surveying instruments.
Pyramids of Giza- Egypt
What is the process of mummification?
Mummification allowed physicians to set broken bones, amputate limbs, and stich up wounds. Mummification had a very specific process:
- soak bandanges in honey to prevent infection
- to use herbs and plants to relieve pain and prevent asthma
This process took place quite often because the average life expectancy is about 35 years old, which is relatively young.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the last one still in existence.
Describe Egyptian religion - what role did the Pharaohs play?
The egyptians were polytheistic, woshiping many gods. The gods that they worshiped were Ra, Isis, and Osiris. The gods were represented by statues and small idols. The egyptians also believed in life after death. At first, this only applied to the pharoahs, but later applied the belief to not only normal humans, but animals.
polytheism- belief in many gods
About 15% of the world's population are polytheistic.