Farming started very simple in Michigan. Ox drawn plows were very common. Had it not been for the ox Michigans feild would not be what they were. 1830-1860
Michigan's agricutlral industries have been on an up and down jounry for many decades. From Pre-civil war to post- civil war the agricultral industry has changed in many ways.
Farming started very simple in Michigan. Ox drawn plows were very common. Had it not been for the ox Michigans feild would not be what they were. 1830-1860
In the early 1850 there was many new inventions to help farmers with their daily jobs. Cyrus McCormick's reeper and John Deere's steel plow would be able to iminate the need for ox-drawn plows. Many people steered clear of these inventions until later years. Compare this to John Deere's steel plow today!
Men joining the Union took a toll on the ammount of farmers in the indutry. The work was picked up by women, children, and elders.
June 10th 1872 Michigan's first Gange Chapter started. Gange was a social, cutral, and educational group who wanted to bring farm men and women together. These groups are still around today. But what is different about them now?
by October 1875 Michigan had the ninth largest Grange memership in the nation
The famous Kellogg brother were looking for a better bread subsitiute. While looking they discovered the leaf breakfest flake.
By 1935 20% of Michigan's residences listed their occupation as farmers.
From 1982-2005 there was a decrease in farmland. 10,940,000-10,100,000
The depresstion put many Michigan farmers into econmic ruin. Many farmers left in the indusrty are specialty farmers such as dairy cattle or fruit and vegtables. Can you name some of the big farmers still around in the area today?