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8B World War I Era Timeline | Sutori

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8B World War I Era Timeline

My focus is going to be freedom of speech and Eugene Debs


Chosen Question: Why are the actions of the  “Harlem Hellfighters” in WWI so historically important?

CLAIM: The Hellfighters were important in many ways, including ....


REASONING: Explain all about the learning

Magazine article about African-American soldiers in WW1


America officially stayed neutral from 1914 - 1917: They didn't want to enter a foreign war. This is called "isolationism".

The sides in WW1

America joined the war in 1917 on the side of the "Allies", and they were fighting Germany and the other "Central Powers".


1915 sinking of the Lusitania

128 Americans were killed when a German U-Boat sunk this passenger ship carrying war materiel from the USA to England. Germany had warned Americans not to sail on the ship in newspaper ads! Many people wrongly see this as the reason the USA entered the war.

First ever gas attack during WWI

In 1915, the Germans first use chemical weapons against the French army during the 2nd Battle of Ypres


Woodrow Wilson and a campaign pin.

President of the USA, Wilson, got re-elected on the promise to keep America out of the war.

The Battle of the Somme

This battle was one of the worst - most deadly of the war.

Infographic of Somme casualties

The Battle of the Somme was one of the worst of the war.


A U-Boat sinks an American ship.

Reason for USA entering war #1: Germany begins policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. This meant that many American ships were being sunk, losing lives, money, and weapons. U-BOATS were hard to stop.

Zimmerman Telegram

Reason for USA entering war #2: British intercept the message, they decode it! Find the offer from Germany to Mexico - join us in fighting the USA and you'll get your lands back (CA, TX, AZ etc.)

Poster celebrating American troops

Did you know?

USA enters WW1. 1 million American soldiers are mobilized. This changes the balance of the war hugely - a big boost to the Allies!

Lenin speaking to the Russian people

1917 also saw the Russian Communist Revolution: Russia left the war against Germany.

Class Jamboard about Native Americans in WWI